
Brahmalin Swami Shri Prempuriji Maharaj used to come to Mumbai for about 32 years to give satsang in Chartumas. By the infinite grace of the most merciful God, one auspicious day came in 1955 that Swamiji came into the presence of Premkutir, where he started preaching in the morning. Shri Harkishan Das Aggarwal was a great devotee of Swamiji. This desire to have a private building for daily satsang in this Maya city of Mumbai germinated in your mind and along with the establishment of Vedanta Satsang Mandal, you made the intention of establishing Prempuri Ashram Trust clear.

There was an urgent need for a private building for satsang, which was fulfilled by purchasing a building named Arora House on Babulnath Road in February 1975. But due to the presence of Bhadut in the building, it was necessary to build a auditorium here for satsang. Therefore, the trustees resolved to increase the top two floors of the house. In this process Late Harilal Dresswalaji and Shri Harkishan Das Agarwal played important roles. By collecting donations from the generous and religious people of Mumbai, this building was made of three storeys, reading room, office, saint’s residence on the second floor and regular satsang discourses started on the third floor.

Maharajshree’s resolution was physical, mental and educational development of man along with spiritual knowledge, for which two more floors were added to the Ashram building. Now morning and evening yoga, treatment with acupressure-magnetic therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathic medicine, psychological therapy, mass healing, reading class, child sanskar kendra, personality development class, religious functions of Mahila Mandal, camp for adults, bhajan evening, lecture series etc. Thirty different activities take place in the huge building of the Ashram.

Special information about all these trends is available at the appropriate place in the website.